
Collegiate Station
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Author:  zachrb [ Wed 05-06-2009 12:59PM ]
Post subject:  Collegiate Station

Anyone have anything to say about this place? I am thinking about living here next semester. If you have lived here or know someone who has feel free to say anything!

Author:  Anonymous Coward [ Wed 05-06-2009 1:01PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

Never lived there, but it's fun to sneak into the hot tub at 2am.

Author:  Goran [ Wed 05-06-2009 1:31PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

I've heard the same unfortunately.

Author:  losl [ Wed 05-06-2009 2:13PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

It can be hard to find an apartment, but it is so much cheaper than collegiate station.

Author:  zachrb [ Wed 05-06-2009 2:34PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

Yea but as second year student u cant live off campus and this is through the university and counts :) It LOOKS to be as nice as the RC but as cheap as TJ.

Author:  blitzvergnugen [ Wed 05-06-2009 3:37PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

Pretty sure that w/ utilities and everything it comes to just a couple hundred under RC. It's a terrible rip-off IMO. You can get so much more if you find an apartment.

Author:  zachrb [ Wed 05-06-2009 5:06PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

Well you only have to pay electricity. Everything else is includes. I highly doubt electricity will cost $2000. The difference between a single room in RC and collegiate station.

Author:  blitzvergnugen [ Wed 05-06-2009 5:24PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

Except you get ultra shitty internet. Pretty sure you're just sharing 1 fidelity line. Think it was like a 10Mb line. Between almost everyone in your building. My friend was able to access their router b/c they hadn't put a password on it.

I was comparing living in the double suites (my experience when considering collegiate station).

Regardless, the RC was built like a tank. Every door in that place is a fire door. RC looks nice b/c it is nice. CS looks nice b/c it was built to look nice. The developers are looking to get their money back from the investment asap, so most things are on the cheap. Door joists are not square, windows are very drafty, carpet falls apart. Those are all things I noticed, and I never lived there, just had a friend that did. Look for the old threads on CS and you will find the crap that it is.

Also, you can live off campus if you have >=60 credit hours.

Author:  zachrb [ Wed 05-06-2009 5:32PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

Wow thanks. So would you recommend TJ. I was accepted back into RC, but i had a roommate request but my friend couldn't request me for some reason and there was confusion all around. By the time I got it all sorted no rooms were open or at least none show up on the room selection page.

Author:  berto [ Wed 05-06-2009 7:06PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

TJ was fun for the antics and community but don't expect the niceness of the RC.

I'd sign up for a room at TJ but clarify you'd like an RC spot if that's what you want.

Also, +1 to blitzvergnugen's explanation.

Author:  MirageX [ Wed 05-06-2009 7:09PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

The NN side of TJ north is pretty decent these days.

I'm sure if you went to the housing office, told them you and another wanted to room together, they would open up a room for the two of you (as I was told by them about ~3 weeks ago).

Author:  dannyboyfx [ Wed 05-06-2009 11:52PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

I also don't think collegiate station is through the university.

But I know alot of people that like living there. I also know people that would like living in the dorms if they had alcohol, so take that how you will.

Author:  MirageX [ Thu 05-07-2009 12:45AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

dannyboyfx wrote:
I also don't think collegiate station is through the university.

But I know alot of people that like living there. I also know people that would like living in the dorms if they had alcohol, so take that how you will.

I believe TJ South tower will be closing next year. Therefore, the university and CS worked out a deal for students not eligible to move off campus to live over there.

They did so to open up more of the standard dorms for freshies.

Author:  bagvwf [ Thu 05-07-2009 12:48AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

I had a good post up here for you, but whatever. What do I care. Go get ripped off if you want. Stupid freshman.

Author:  amd2800barton [ Thu 05-07-2009 2:25AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Collegiate Station

I pay less per month (utilities and internet included) to live in a house than I would for just the rent at Collegiate Station. Hell my total expenses are less than they would be if i were still in TJ (which was where I lived for freshman year) Here's my shortlist of why I think its better

-Faster Internet (get embarq if you can)
-Much closer to campus. I did a distance calculation on google earth from TJ to Schrenk (where most of my classes are), and my house to McNutt (the farthest I would ever have to walk). Distance was the same.
-Fewer neighbors. Some would consider this a downside, but I prefer not having 30 drunken people loud as fuck in the hallway the night before an exam
-Safe "common" areas. I can leave my laptop, iPod, backpack out in the living room or kitchen for as long as I want without worrying about it walking away. It seems like most people at the RC don't bother to lock their suite doors - and stuff occasionally disappears.
-Cost is considerably less
- Collegiate station requires you pay 450+electricity for one bedroom (with 4 people thats $1800/month)
- Most houses/apartments cost half that. Rent and utilities at my place come to LESS than half of that, and we split it 3 ways
- Summer bills are very low. A house/apartment is still cheaper, even with those extra 3 months
- Parking is closer to your living space (aka you don't need to run all the way out to a parking lot just to get the calculator you left in your car)
- Leave stuff over the summer so you don't have to move back in

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