
Crazy Preacher Guy!
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Author:  el_lorenzo [ Thu 04-23-2009 8:54AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

el_lorenzo wrote:
I heard somewhere that last year it was davinci society that asked him to come out here. It makes sense in a weird way, how the homosexual group asks an extreme anti-homosexual Christian to come out here and make other Christians look like judgemental, ignorant fools.

Hopefully people are smart enough to realize that there are different levels of Christians who practice their beliefs with different levels of intensity.

Unfortunately we live in a place where there are people who are that naive to lump all Christians into the same bundle, whether they are the average, honest, non-patronizing sort or the extremist who thrusts the bible in your face everytime you say something that he or God doesn't agree with. It is extremists like this gentleman that shine a poor light on the rest of Christianity.

Mind you, while the first part is speculation, the second part is still true

also, forgive me if this incites a direction to this thread that was not the original intention

Author:  Bu-waah? [ Thu 04-23-2009 8:56AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

el_lorenzo wrote:
I heard somewhere that last year it was davinci society that asked him to come out here.

Put quite simply, no.

Author:  Altaica [ Thu 04-23-2009 9:03AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

Bu-waah? wrote:
el_lorenzo wrote:
I heard somewhere that last year it was davinci society that asked him to come out here.

Put quite simply, no.

Heh, I think that was a joke that got started that some took way too seriously. As I recall, people were joking how having him on campus was actually beneficial to the Davinci Society since they were doing a fundraiser for the National Day of Silence. If I recall correctly, they wound up raising over $1500 because people kept donating to protest the preacher. I think there was even a marriage proposal somewhere in there? Either way, I don't think ANYONE invited him to campus... this is just what he does...

Author:  benm [ Thu 04-23-2009 10:22AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

el_lorenzo wrote:
I heard somewhere that last year it was davinci society that asked him to come out here. It makes sense in a weird way, how the homosexual group asks an extreme anti-homosexual Christian to come out here and make other Christians look like judgemental, ignorant fools.

Hopefully people are smart enough to realize that there are different levels of Christians who practice their beliefs with different levels of intensity.

Unfortunately we live in a place where there are people who are that naive to lump all Christians into the same bundle, whether they are the average, honest, non-patronizing sort or the extremist who thrusts the bible in your face everytime you say something that he or God doesn't agree with. It is extremists like this gentleman that shine a poor light on the rest of Christianity.

Mind you, while the first part is speculation, the second part is still true

Believe in an invisible man who watches over you: check
Believe in a zombie who came back to life after dying: check
Believe everyone else will suffer in eternal damnation: check

Yep, seems like Christians are judgmental, ignorant fools. Looks like they don't even need crazy preacher guy either - they've got it covered without him already...

Author:  inositle [ Thu 04-23-2009 10:34AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

Loving and raising baby raptors: check


Author:  ShadowCat38 [ Thu 04-23-2009 10:37AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

benm wrote:
el_lorenzo wrote:
I heard somewhere that last year it was davinci society that asked him to come out here. It makes sense in a weird way, how the homosexual group asks an extreme anti-homosexual Christian to come out here and make other Christians look like judgemental, ignorant fools.

Hopefully people are smart enough to realize that there are different levels of Christians who practice their beliefs with different levels of intensity.

Unfortunately we live in a place where there are people who are that naive to lump all Christians into the same bundle, whether they are the average, honest, non-patronizing sort or the extremist who thrusts the bible in your face everytime you say something that he or God doesn't agree with. It is extremists like this gentleman that shine a poor light on the rest of Christianity.

Mind you, while the first part is speculation, the second part is still true

Believe in an invisible man who watches over you: check
Believe in a zombie who came back to life after dying: check
Believe everyone else will suffer in eternal damnation: check

Yep, seems like Christians are judgmental, ignorant fools. Looks like they don't even need crazy preacher guy either - they've got it covered without him already...

I don't follow... How did your list lead to that conclusion?

Author:  benm [ Thu 04-23-2009 10:51AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

ShadowCat38 wrote:
benm wrote:
Ignorant - Believe in an invisible man who watches over you: check
Ignorant - Believe in a zombie who came back to life after dying: check
Judgmental - Believe everyone else will suffer in eternal damnation: check

Yep, seems like Christians are judgmental, ignorant fools. Looks like they don't even need crazy preacher guy either - they've got it covered without him already...

I don't follow... How did your list lead to that conclusion?

Needs more?

Author:  el_lorenzo [ Thu 04-23-2009 11:16AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

benm wrote:
el_lorenzo wrote:
I heard somewhere that last year it was davinci society that asked him to come out here. It makes sense in a weird way, how the homosexual group asks an extreme anti-homosexual Christian to come out here and make other Christians look like judgemental, ignorant fools.

Hopefully people are smart enough to realize that there are different levels of Christians who practice their beliefs with different levels of intensity.

Unfortunately we live in a place where there are people who are that naive to lump all Christians into the same bundle, whether they are the average, honest, non-patronizing sort or the extremist who thrusts the bible in your face everytime you say something that he or God doesn't agree with. It is extremists like this gentleman that shine a poor light on the rest of Christianity.

Mind you, while the first part is speculation, the second part is still true

Believe in an invisible man who watches over you: check
Believe in a zombie who came back to life after dying: check
Believe everyone else will suffer in eternal damnation: check

Yep, seems like Christians are judgmental, ignorant fools. Looks like they don't even need crazy preacher guy either - they've got it covered without him already...

I won't lower myself to the level of the crazy preacher guy and proclaim that you're wrong and that you'll spend eternity in damnation, but rather respectfully disagree. Sometimes you don't have to see something in order to believe it, but rather have faith that it's there. Take gravity, for example. You don't see it, but you see evidence of it. When you jump out of a plane (willingly and with a parachute) you have faith that you're going to fall towards the earth rather than shooting up into space. When you pull the cord, you have faith that the air around you (also not visible) will catch in the parachute and slow your decent significantly, thus bringing you safely to the ground. You may ask me, what evidence I see, and I see everything as evidence. You may find it a complete coincidence that we are the correct distance from the sun, the air is the right combination of gases, our bodies function successfully in our environments, but I see a higher design. I'm not saying that I believe in the whole "God created man and the earth in 7 days" scenario, but I'm saying that someone might have pushed development in the right direction.

Anyway, I've got other shit I gotta do

Long story short, I have my faith in a supreme being (God)
You have your faith in... not God... and that's fine by me, but don't insult me because of my views.

Author:  benm [ Thu 04-23-2009 11:25AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

el_lorenzo wrote:
benm wrote:
Believe in an invisible man who watches over you: check
Believe in a zombie who came back to life after dying: check
Believe everyone else will suffer in eternal damnation: check

Yep, seems like Christians are judgmental, ignorant fools. Looks like they don't even need crazy preacher guy either - they've got it covered without him already...

I won't lower myself to the level of the crazy preacher guy and proclaim that you're wrong and that you'll spend eternity in damnation, but rather respectfully disagree. Sometimes you don't have to see something in order to believe it, but rather have faith that it's there. Take gravity, for example. You don't see it, but you see evidence of it. When you jump out of a plane (willingly and with a parachute) you have faith that you're going to fall towards the earth rather than shooting up into space. When you pull the cord, you have faith that the air around you (also not visible) will catch in the parachute and slow your decent significantly, thus bringing you safely to the ground. You may ask me, what evidence I see, and I see everything as evidence. You may find it a complete coincidence that we are the correct distance from the sun, the air is the right combination of gases, our bodies function successfully in our environments, but I see a higher design. I'm not saying that I believe in the whole "God created man and the earth in 7 days" scenario, but I'm saying that someone might have pushed development in the right direction.

Anyway, I've got other shit I gotta do

Long story short, I have my faith in a supreme being (God)
You have your faith in... not God... and that's fine by me, but don't insult me because of my views.

Damn! In my philosophy class we talked about this... but basically, the counter is something along the lines of "If there were a planet that supported life, then that planet would have life on it." Well, Earth supports life, so I'm not surprised to find life on it.

Go ahead and add egotistical to that list of things for design/creationist types that think they're so important as to warrant an entire creation story. Yes, a higher being must have made earth because you are so important!

Author:  benm [ Thu 04-23-2009 11:29AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

el_lorenzo wrote:
I won't lower myself to the level of the crazy preacher guy and proclaim that you're wrong and that you'll spend eternity in damnation, but rather respectfully disagree. Sometimes you don't have to see something in order to believe it, but rather have faith that it's there. Take gravity, for example. You don't see it, but you see evidence of it. When you jump out of a plane (willingly and with a parachute) you have faith that you're going to fall towards the earth rather than shooting up into space. When you pull the cord, you have faith that the air around you (also not visible) will catch in the parachute and slow your decent significantly, thus bringing you safely to the ground. You may ask me, what evidence I see, and I see everything as evidence. You may find it a complete coincidence that we are the correct distance from the sun, the air is the right combination of gases, our bodies function successfully in our environments, but I see a higher design. I'm not saying that I believe in the whole "God created man and the earth in 7 days" scenario, but I'm saying that someone might have pushed development in the right direction.

Anyway, I've got other shit I gotta do

Long story short, I have my faith in a supreme being (God)
You have your faith in... not God... and that's fine by me, but don't insult me because of my views.

Theories regarding gravity are verifiable / falsifiable. The existence of air is verifiable / falsifiable. You're making an apples to oranges comparison when you try to compare them to the existence of god because that is something which is neither verifiable nor falsifiable.

Author:  dannyboyfx [ Thu 04-23-2009 11:33AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

I don't get how people can argue about god. You are talking about being that cannot be proven or disproven. I see how it can seem crazy, but humans aren't exactly a sane bunch. Also, for the most part, I see nothing bad in believing in a higher being. I get it if you can believe in a god, but I don't.

Also, how does the crazy get preacher all of the money to travel around.


Author:  LostBoyz [ Thu 04-23-2009 11:36AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

I never understood where the argument came from that if you cannot prove or disprove something that gives people the right to believe it anyway. You aren't crazy as long as enough people believe with you. Otherwise you are a cult and just insane. I don't know why people cant believe in themselves to do good things.

Author:  Twilyte [ Thu 04-23-2009 12:04PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

LostBoyz wrote:
I never understood where the argument came from that if you cannot prove or disprove something that gives people the right to believe it anyway. You aren't crazy as long as enough people believe with you. Otherwise you are a cult and just insane. I don't know why people cant believe in themselves to do good things.

Agree with you totally. On a side note, I have been fleshing out the idea of a strip club church. It's amazing how simple such a thing would be, the only difficult part would be tax-exempt status (though a wise business strategy would be to NOT apply, to avoid as much conflict with the law as possible).

Don't believe in yourself, believe in me who believes in you.
cookie for everyone that gets the quote

Author:  berto [ Thu 04-23-2009 1:15PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

benm wrote:
el_lorenzo wrote:
I won't lower myself to the level of the crazy preacher guy and proclaim that you're wrong and that you'll spend eternity in damnation, but rather respectfully disagree. Sometimes you don't have to see something in order to believe it, but rather have faith that it's there. Take gravity, for example. You don't see it, but you see evidence of it. When you jump out of a plane (willingly and with a parachute) you have faith that you're going to fall towards the earth rather than shooting up into space. When you pull the cord, you have faith that the air around you (also not visible) will catch in the parachute and slow your decent significantly, thus bringing you safely to the ground. You may ask me, what evidence I see, and I see everything as evidence. You may find it a complete coincidence that we are the correct distance from the sun, the air is the right combination of gases, our bodies function successfully in our environments, but I see a higher design. I'm not saying that I believe in the whole "God created man and the earth in 7 days" scenario, but I'm saying that someone might have pushed development in the right direction.

Anyway, I've got other shit I gotta do

Long story short, I have my faith in a supreme being (God)
You have your faith in... not God... and that's fine by me, but don't insult me because of my views.

Damn! In my philosophy class we talked about this... but basically, the counter is something along the lines of "If there were a planet that supported life, then that planet would have life on it." Well, Earth supports life, so I'm not surprised to find life on it.

I agree with this approach for the most part, benm, as well as the one below this.

However, what I find hard to believe is that the human eye, something so complex and perfectly formed, evolved from practically nothing*. To me, the odds of that happening seem nearly impossible.

* I don't mean thin air, but you get the point.

Back to the topic at hand: I walked right past today, twice. I wish people wouldn't give him the time of day, but I understand the situation itself is pretty lulworthy.

Author:  Duke of URL [ Thu 04-23-2009 2:55PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Crazy Preacher Guy!

I still want to know if anyone's got pics or a video of the epic rickroll. There were people with cameras, I know it's out there!

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