
Britney Spears Shaves Head
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Author:  TrailerParkHero [ Sat 02-17-2007 12:30PM ]
Post subject:  Britney Spears Shaves Head

Last heard yelling to anonymous Navy Chief Petty Officer, "Suck my dick!"

Author:  UrLocalGuru [ Sat 02-17-2007 1:43PM ]
Post subject: 


Author:  snocat17 [ Sat 02-17-2007 2:47PM ]
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How does a story like this make breaking news and qualify for the first story in a broadcast? I guess only in LA...

Author:  Agentzak [ Sat 02-17-2007 4:07PM ]
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I guess Anna Nicole is starting to get old and the laws of media are to always converge on the dumbest thing they can find. Britney just got dumber.

Author:  LuvMyTreefrogs [ Sat 02-17-2007 6:17PM ]
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How do we know there isn't some sweet backstory, like she's supporting her cancer-patient friends who are going through chemo?

And, why does shaving one's head make one dumb?

Author:  jthxv [ Sat 02-17-2007 8:17PM ]
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I don't know if Zack meant she was dumb for shaving her head, or just stupid period. She is stupid for doing it because it is just a pathetic ploy to get attention since her cooch is getting her any anymore....

Every time I think of bwitney, this quote comes to mind "You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl...."

Author:  yashi [ Sat 02-17-2007 10:56PM ]
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Now the carpet matches the drapes.

Author:  ShadowCat38 [ Sat 02-17-2007 11:05PM ]
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yashi wrote:
Now the carpet matches the drapes.

Terrible. Hilarious, but terrible.

Author:  Paradigm [ Sat 02-17-2007 11:16PM ]
Post subject: 

yashi wrote:
Now the carpet matches the drapes.

You win

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