
DO YOU HATE CHARTWELL'S? Wanna do something about it?
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Author:  squishypickle [ Fri 10-21-2005 10:43PM ]
Post subject: 

Well, what was supposed to happen?

Author:  FrankieM [ Fri 10-21-2005 11:07PM ]
Post subject: 

So what's the deal, you can only have 1 taco or one hamburger or the like?

Author:  Shadow Priest [ Sat 10-22-2005 12:37AM ]
Post subject: 

ElPupitre wrote:
I definitely didn't see anything.. I thought it was a poor idea for a protest so I wasn't going to participate, but I was interested to see the results and saw nothing at all.

O-Kay that is great and all that you thought it "was a poor idea" but it WAS something, and if you and everyone else does not go, how can there be any results?

Author:  Catlady [ Sat 10-22-2005 5:55AM ]
Post subject:  It's not explitive free, but it's well written. Deal with it

The problem with your idea is that in the end, it is merely making the lives of the Havener workers harder. If you want to target management, by all means do something. But don't be assholes to the people who have to work for those idiots. There are some really nice people serving food who let a lot of crap slide where students are concerned because they think the restrictions are a load of bullshit too.

The only people you would have hurt are the wage workers making the food. Your idea was totally unreasonable, completely and utterly craptastic.

You want to make a difference?

Make a report to the county/state health services. Log enough complaints, and they'll show up to do an inspection without prior warning toward Chartwells. Every time you get sick from the craptastic food, make a note on the calendar. Use that as a record when you call health services to prove this is not an isolated event.
Call the parent company and tell them exactly what you think of the service. Threaten to call their brand names and explain what kind of name Chartwells is making for the company's product.
Start with reasonable complaints at the top (Chancellor, Vice C., Provost) and become more and more of a bastard as you work your way down. Be a darling to any and all secretaries you deal with. Chances are, they don't like the boss that much either.
Threaten to tell your parents about the dining situation if it doesn't improve, because "everyone knows your parents foot the college bill... (sarcasm)."
When you see people walking around for PRO or Parent's Weekends, strike up a conversation, and tell them what the food is really like. Let them know you are extremely happy to see them because that means you'll have a decent meal this week/month. Tell them how the freshmen tend to lose weight when they eat Chartwells.
Go to the Chartwells office early and often to bitch at someone and take up the time and resources there. Extra points to the people that become a secretary's pet.
Find out when the food comittee meets, and attend. This may be hard, as the fucking Chartwell's b/tards have already done many things to discourage attendence, including rescheduling meeting at literally the last second into an earlier time slot. This has been documented.

Chartwells is quickly approaching the probationary period where UMR can dismiss them for any reasonable excuse. They had an extended contract because they put in money for Havener, and were promised one year of operation in the building. Find food companies you want providing service, preferably a Rolla local business, and have them contact the Chancellor or the university with an offer.

I'm not pissed off because it's been a long week, and a bunch of crap happened. I'm abso-fucking-lutely starving here. And I'm always this damn bitter and bitchy when I haven't had anything edible within the past 23 days. I am hungry, and tired of it. I've lost at least one if not two pants sizes in half a semester because the food here is so damn bad. That's around 15 pounds, for your information. I have problems spending my meals because of the ass-tacular eating hours. I have to take a double vitamin dose every night just to have enough energy to get through class anymore. I'm sick and tired of the shit I have to do for a reasonably nutricious meal.

By the way, anyone else noticing the dates aren't always on the Chartwells packaged items anymore? That's breaking a health service regulation. It's a reportable offense.

Author:  squishypickle [ Sat 10-22-2005 10:55AM ]
Post subject: 

I've lost at least one if not two pants sizes in half a semester

Can Chartwell's quote you on that?

Author:  ElPupitre [ Sat 10-22-2005 3:05PM ]
Post subject: 

Agree 100% with Catlady. Thought the idea was totally immature and ineffective.

Author:  ben laden [ Sat 10-22-2005 4:53PM ]
Post subject: 

are you coming up with any ideas on how to change things?

Author:  Catlady [ Sat 10-22-2005 6:04PM ]
Post subject: 

ben laden wrote:
are you coming up with any ideas on how to change things?

You obviously didn't read the post.

Author:  ben laden [ Sat 10-22-2005 7:09PM ]
Post subject: 

I did, and I wasn't talking to you.

Author:  Catlady [ Sat 10-22-2005 7:17PM ]
Post subject: 

Ah. My apologies.

Author:  ElPupitre [ Sat 10-22-2005 10:39PM ]
Post subject: 

Ah, well if you were talking to me, the only thing I've done is fill out that survey that arrived in my email one day. In order to support a cause I don't have to lead the cause, do I? If someone comes up with a reasonable action, maybe I'll jump in. Otherwise, I'll live. I've lived on it for two years so far.

Author:  ben laden [ Sat 10-22-2005 11:27PM ]
Post subject: 

So all you're willing to do is sit back and criticize those who do want a change because they don't WANT to live on it anymore?

Author:  Fall0ut-Boy [ Sun 10-23-2005 2:38AM ]
Post subject: 

squishypickle wrote:
I've lost at least one if not two pants sizes in half a semester

Can Chartwell's quote you on that?

lol the next jared!!

Author:  D-ra [ Sun 10-23-2005 11:17AM ]
Post subject: 

And what is wrong with criticism? He is letting you know what you need to do if you want to lead this, and get people involved. And he is rather right. =/ i mean the amount of forum posts that said.. yeah i was interested but decided not to, are proof of that. It's not like hes saying NO DONT CHANGE CHARTWELLS ZOMG, he's just saying that he's willing to put up with it because he doesn't have the time to organize an effort to change it, and if there isn't a decent effort to join, why bother.

Author:  Flamingo [ Sun 10-23-2005 12:38PM ]
Post subject: 

Fall0ut-Boy wrote:
squishypickle wrote:
I've lost at least one if not two pants sizes in half a semester

Can Chartwell's quote you on that?

lol the next jared!!

oh lord.

the new chartwells diet.

it'll be all the rage in hollywood.

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